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Short Term Medical
Short-term health insurance plans offer coverage for a limited period of time, and may be an ideal solution for those between jobs or waiting for other health insurance to start. Although short-term plans in the past only offered coverage for few months, now new government laws allow coverage for longer periods. These plans are not Affordable Care Act compliant.
Your effective date can be as soon as the next day. These plans are designed to protect against unforeseen accidents or illnesses, rather than to provide comprehensive coverage, and, as such, typically do not include coverage for preventive care, immunizations, dental, vision care or pre-existing conditions. Although there are some Short Term Medical plans that do cover preventative, unlike the Affordable Care Act plans, they have waiting periods and a limit on the dollar amount they will cover for preventative exams.

Short Term insurance plans may make sense if you are:
- A college student, just out of school, or rolling off your parent’s insurance
- Between jobs, waiting for benefits to begin at a new job, or needing a temporary alternative to COBRA insurance
- Without health insurance, have missed Open Enrollment and don’t qualify for Special Enrollment, or you are waiting for your Affordable Care Act (ACA) coverage to begin
- Under 65 and in good health, or waiting for Medicare
- Losing coverage following a divorce
You don’t have to change doctors. Short term medical plans offer broad networks and/or allow you to go to the hospital or provider of your choice.
Temporary health insurance coverage has no open enrollment period restrictions, so you can apply at any time.
You will usually be notified within minutes if your application is approved.
Short-term medical plans are available with limited waiting periods, so in many cases, you can use your coverage as early as the next day

Apply any time and get coverage as early as the next day.
Short Term Health Insurance plans typically have broad acceptance among healthcare providers. Some have a preferred network with negotiated pricing for healthcare services and a larger non-preferred network where the plans pay ‘usual and customary’ fees for covered healthcare.
These plans evaluate health status and pre-existing conditions when processing an insurance application and determine whether the applicant is approved or rejected for coverage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get Short Term Health Insurance?
Contact Cecilia at (239) 234-9717 and ask about policies.
Are you always approved?
Like medical insurance, short term Health Insurance plans can deny your application based on your current and past health conditions. Insurers will often review up to five years of your health history.
Can you cancel your policy anytime you want?
Most short term medical plans allow you to make month to month payments up to the maximum term set by your state.
At the end of your policy, your coverage will automatically terminate. If you need to cancel your coverage earlier, you should contact Cecilia on time and inform her.